Sunset Family Session in Abilene TX | Angela Wilson Photography

I know reading about a family session this week (or month) is probably the furthest thing from your mind right now, but I thought I would try and lighten the mood a little bit.  We as a community are incessantly refreshing our phones at lightning speed to catch “Breaking News!” as much as possible and it does seem that something new pops up every single time, all the while CNN or FoxNews is playing on the television.  Doesn’t it get tiring? I am just flat out exhausted from it all. And I’m not even on the frontline.

My daughter and I are spending the night at my sister’s house tonight to unwind a bit from one heck of a week.  Even though it’s just across town, we have to get out a little bit (and give my mom a little bit of a break). Don’t worry, we are definitely social distancing and have a party of four.  My five year old remains positive, mainly because she does not quite understand what is going on, and I am trying my best to support her outlook. The poor thing - she never went back to Pre-K after spring break and having to tell her that she most likely will not be returning to school was a little heartbreaking for the both of us.  She cherished her teacher and classmates so much, and looked forward to going to class everyday. Now we wait for weekly updates and I personally sit on edge, deathly afraid of touching anything and is that a slight tickle in my throat every once in a while? Better swallow again to make sure…

Ok, enough of this talk, this is the very thing I was trying to steer away from.  A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to do a session for the Pipkin family! The Pipkins are from Midland, a couple hours west of Abilene.  While the three younger kids are living in Abilene, going to college or just graduated from, their parents drove in for the evening. I was so thankful we had great weather, not a cloud in the sky.  

Katelyn, the youngest, contacted me late last year in regards to an early spring session but I did not know that it was a Christmas present for their mom!  I love surprises! I spent about an hour with them, trying to capture as many loving and candid moments as possible while not making the gentlemen feel too awkward (I always say, if a pose feels super weird it’s going to look amazing in the camera).

Philip, Paige and Vann’s son, is married to Emily who he’s known since he was just four years old.  Philip’s younger sister, Katelyn, has known Emily literally her entire life. Isn’t that the sweetest?  I love learning the special behind the scenes details of a family and I love that this family is so close.  You can see in their pictures how much fun they have together and how they thoroughly enjoy each other’s company.

Enjoy!  I can’t really say when I will be back up and running because right now, it’s not up to me!  Let’s just be thankful we can hunker down while having access to the necessities. Until I blog again, take care y’all!