A Memorable Maternity Session in Nemo, TX | Angela Wilson Photography

TGIF, y’all! This week felt like one of the longest ever to me, not quite sure why. It might be because I’ve had plumbing and air conditioning issues at the homestead. Hopefully we get them fixed before I head into another crazy busy weekend.

Last weekend was AMAZING! Lauren and I had been planning her maternity session for months, we were both so excited to document the fleeting time she has before her life is changed forever. I remember being pregnant and thinking that nine months felt like an eternity - now days go by in a blur and my daughter will be SIX in December. What the HECK!

Speaking of my daughter, I let her tag along with me since there was going to be another little girl there. Spur of the moment I booked a hotel in downtown Ft. Worth and she was on cloud nine, guys. Considering she’s barely had a chance to do anything since March, you would have thought I told her we were going to Disneyland. I ran home, packed a bag quickly, and we hopped in the car.

Lauren had already kind of explained where we were going to shoot that evening - land where her husband’s cousin lives, with gorgeous shots down by the river. At the time, I could not have been more excited. We pulled up to the house twenty minutes early which was a good thing because we still had to drive to the location.

The caravan headed down through pastures full of cows until we could go no further, little did I know at the time that we were going to have to get into a ATV to get to our final destination. Yeah, no problem at first, right? Right - because even I own a 4 wheeler and LOVE playing around on it. Until we get to this rather steep (to me, don’t judge!) terrain that we have to climb down. I start sweating bullets and screaming things like, “OH MY GOD WE’RE GONNA DIE!”. Lauren’s husband is in the back laughing his tail off and I have a nine months pregnant woman rolling with laughter, too. If that doesn’t make me feel silly it gets worse.

We finally make it through the “rough” terrain when the ATV stops and we see the river - off what I want to call “a cliff”. The boys hop out and show me I have to climb my way down to the water below - with a bag full of camera gear. That’s when panic takes over. Y’all have to remember I’m a city girl, ok? I was born and raised in the city, I even hated camping in an air conditioned trailer when I was young.

I turn to Lauren and literally ask, looking at her belly, “Do you feel safe doing this?!”. She does, absolutely, of course. Anything for the shot, I realize, I let Riley carry my bag and then the guys help me down. That’s when I feel like a righteous idiot, all that fuss for nothing. Until I look down. Spiders. Spiders everywhere. Every time you take a step you see another spider scurry under a rock. Stone (Riley’s cousin) tells us he’s going back up to get the next group so I tell him my daughter will be ten times worse so be prepared. Proven wrong again, she handled it like a champ. I’m such a fool, haha!

Things get fun from here on out. The light is absolute perfection and I’m able to get shots of Lauren facing both east and west, a perfection backlit glow as the sun drops below the hills. Riley had a blast, this is one man I don’t have to ask to pretend and smile - he thoroughly enjoyed watching his wife being photographed and kept me laughing the whole time, too.

Enjoy the gallery! I can’t wait to take pictures of baby Hudson in probably a month or so, Lauren is due on September 10th. This will be my first newborn session outdoors, hooray for new things!

Fall will be filling up rather quickly and I am not accepting as many new clients as I typically do, I do anticipate a full schedule with homeschooling a kindergartner. If you are interested in a session, now would be the time to get on the calendar!