Sultry Boudoir Session in Abilene TX | Abilene TX Boudoir Photographer

Happy Tuesday, friends! What a month it has been. After only two days I switched from homeschooling Willow to enrolling her in the elementary the next street over. In a nutshell, it was the best decision I’ve made this year. We’ve had our challenges in the months, no doubt, but every day is getting better. Isolation in the home for a full six months really hurt socialization skills for many children.

Enough about that, though! Let’s get into the real meat of what I’m writing about. I met Sara through Instagram a couple of months ago after seeing several other local photographers shooting sessions with her. Of course I thought she was stunning and wanted to photograph her myself, but I was also drawn to her strong independence and confidence. Almost daily she’s posting something uplifting about body confidence, her relationship with God, or a funny meme. And don’t think for a second she’s going to take someone’s bull because that’s not how she rolls.

We spoke about the possibility of a shoot and eventually made it happen yesterday at The Hadley Room. I had a vision in mind with being very light and airy upstairs in an all-white loft and super dramatic downstairs with more rich tones. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a better shoot where the images turned out exactly how I intended.

I’m not going to blabber on incessantly paragraph after paragraph tonight, I’ll let the images do the talking. I will finish this blog by saying that if you’re interested in a boudoir shoot, let me know. We can chat about ideas you might have in mind for the shoot and how subtle or dramatic you want them to be. Remember - boudoir does not have to have nudity. After all, these don’t. Body suits, lingerie, or even boy shorts and a tank work wonders, too! You make the images, not the clothes. Get your hair done, put some make up on and come see me, girl!